The need to know all about your basic rights has become more necessary than ever. You never know when a minute piece of information might come in handy. In this blog, we have detailed basic human and civil rights that can benefit you.
What Are Human Rights?
Human rights, just like the name suggests, are meant for all the people in this world. It is inherent to everyone regardless of their race, ethnicity, nationality, color, gender, etc. The most basic human rights that everyone has are:
- The liberty and right of a life free from slavery and torture
- Freedom of speech
- Ability to voice opinion
- The right to get a proper education
- Permit to work to provide a good life for their family
Everyone is entitled to these with no discrimination whatsoever.
International Human Rights
The United Nations is the body that exercises international human rights law and makes sure that the obligations are met by all governing bodies globally. The UN protects every individual’s rights and their freedom. They have a wide range of internationally accepted rights that include civil, cultural, economic, political, etc. Since it is not possible to oversee everything at once at all times, they have made states that work on their behalf to carry out the responsibilities.
International human rights are regulated through various international documents, primarily the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and subsequent covenants. A few of the rights are described below:
1. Right to Life, Liberty, and Security
Every person reserves the inherent right to life, which cannot be taken away in any case. Personal liberty, security, and protection from unlawful detention or imprisonment are a must.
2. Freedom from Torture and Inhumane Treatment
It is not permissible to subject ANYONE to torture, inhuman, or degrading treatment. This right must be respected under all circumstances.
3. Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination
Equal protection is open for all without discrimination of any kind, including race, gender, religion, or political opinion.
4. Right to Privacy
Every person has the right to privacy in their personal and family life, home, and correspondence.
5. Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion
All individuals have the right to change their religion or belief and to practice it alone or in a community with others.
6. Freedom of Expression
One has the right to express their opinions freely through all or any means.
7. Right to a Fair Trial
Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing by an impartial tribunal.
8. Right to Work in Just Conditions of Employment
Every person has the freedom of choosing the type of employment they like and having just and favorable conditions of work there. This includes fair wages and equal pay for equal work.
9. Right to Education
Education is fundamental, and all people have the right to free and compulsory primary education.
10. Right to Health
Every person reserves the right to the best physical and mental health solutions, including access to healthcare services, safe drinking water, sanitation, etc.
Closing Note
In case you find yourself in a situation where you need legal guidance, our skilled attorneys at Edwards Sutarwalla Samani LLP are here to help. Our teams are led by experts such as George Edwards III, a founder and partner, can provide you with legal advice and representation where needed. Do not hesitate to contact us at (713) 565-1353 to schedule a consultation.